Age of Empires Online Wiki
Wonder (Roman)
Roman Economy Building
Age availableGoldenAgeIcon Golden Age
Build time600s (750)
Hit points7,500
Sight range20
Food 0 Wood 1000 (1500) Gold 1000 (1500) Stone 1000 (1500)
Armor vs. ranged0.80
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The Wonder is a Roman Economy Building in Age of Empires Online.

PvP Values which are different are put in brackets ().


  • Possessing one for a period of time leads to victory in player vs. player combat or skirmish.

Passive Bonuses in PvP and Champion Mode[]

  • +25% Damage for all Siege Units
  • +50% Bonus Damage vs. Buildings for all Military Units except Siege
  • -1 Population Count for all Praetorium units.

Equipment Slots[]

ReinforcedConstruction ConstructionAddition


The ROman model of the Wonder was first revealed in the Weekly Blog #28: Wonder, Milestones forum post on January 25th, 2020.

The original Devs had other plans. Rather than feature the Colosseum, their concept art indicates they had the Roman Pantheon in mind instead.
This actually makes some sense. Not only is the Pantheon one of Ancient Rome’s most magnificent and best preserved buildings, but it was an absolute feat of engineering and had what was the largest unreinforced concrete dome on the planet for about 2000 years. The Pantheon is also a bit more accurate historically for our Romans, who, again, are based on the late Republic, early Imperial era. Augustus Caesar (the first Roman Emperor and Julius Caesar’s nephew) commissioned its construction during his reign (though it would not be completed for nearly 100 years later). Meanwhile, the Colosseum would not exist for a couple more generations after Augustus. Before then, the area was covered by a neighborhood.

Both Roman Wonders were on the shortlist for the AoEO version.

But even though Caesar, Pompey, Crassus, and Augustus never stepped foot in the Colosseum, to our eyes, the Colosseum represents the splendor of Ancient Rome. And since AoEO has always been a combination of history and fantasy, we are confident in our decision. Caesar now gets a Colosseum. It looks a lot cooler from the outside than the Pantheon, too.
Another reason for using the Colosseum instead of the Pantheon is that since Age of Empires Online is an RTS game, the camera angle that it provides players is one from above, which means that most of the Pantheon's glory (which is arguably its front and interior) would be nearly impossible to see, as you can see in the picture below.