The Egyptian Units are a the controllable characters of the Egyptian Civilization.
Economy Units[]
The Egyptian Economy Unit are produced from the Town Center (Villager), the Market (Caravan) and the Dock (Fishing Boat, Merchant Transport).
Villager (Egyptian) | Caravan (Egyptian) | Fishing Boat (Egyptian) | Merchant Transport (Egyptian) |
Military Units[]
Infantry Units[]
These Egyptian Infantry Units are produced from the Barracks.
Spearman (Egyptian) | Axeman |
Ranged Units[]
The Egyptian Ranged Units are produced from the Barracks (Slinger), the Stables (Chariot Archer) and the Fortress (Elephant Archer).
Slinger (Egyptian) | Chariot Archer (Egyptian) | Elephant Archer |
Cavalry Units[]
The Egyptian Cavalry Units are produced from the Stables (Camel Rider) and the Fortress (War Elephant).
Camel Rider | War Elephant |
The Egyptian scout is available at the start of the game and is not trainable.
Scout (Egyptian) |
Siege Units[]
The Egyptian Siege Units are produced from the Siege Workshop.
Siege Tower (Egyptian) | Catapult | Palintonon (Egyptian) |
The Egyptian Naval Units are produced from the Dock.
Trireme (Egyptian) | Fire Ship (Egyptian) | Catapult Trireme |
Support Units[]
The Egyptian Support Units are produced from the Temple of Ra, Temple of Set and Temple of Ptah.
Priestess of Ra | Priest of Set | Priest of Ptah |
Unique Units[]
The Egyptian Unique Unts are produced from the Fortress, but need a special advisor.
Armored Elephant | Desert Archer | Desert Cavalry | Desert Swordsman | Khopesh Swordsman |