Age of Empires Online Wiki
Town Center (Roman)
Roman Economy Building
Age availableCopperAgeIcon Copper Age
Build time120s
Hit points5000 (5500)
Sight range34 (36)
Range32 (34)
Food 0 Wood 300 Gold 0 Stone 300
Armor vs. ranged0.8
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The Town Center is a Roman Economy Building in Age of Empires Online.

PvP Values which are different are put in brackets ().


  • Trains Villagers and Engineers
  • Serves as a resource drop site.
  • Increases population limit by 20.
  • You begin the majority of quests with a Town Center.
  • You can advance to the next age with this building.
  • In Champion Mode, the TC has a bonus of 1.50 vs Priests and 1.10 vs Villagers.


VillagerRoman EngineerUnit


The following technologies are available to be researched at the Town Center, but they need to be unlocked from your Capital City.

Copper Age[]


Bronze Age[]

Wheelbarrow TownWatch
Wheelbarrow Town

Silver Age[]


Equipment Slots[]

Bow Arrows ReinforcedConstruction ConstructionAddition
Bow Arrows Reinforced


The Town Center was first shown in through the Project Celeste forum post Weekly Blog #4: Roman Age 1 Town Center and Markets on June 15th, 2019. The Roman TC was announced to be the civilization's first Improved Building:


Old concept with too much unused space and a curtain that was removed.

Every civilization in AoEO has had exactly one Improved Building, and the Romans will be no different. Their Improved Building is the Town Center. As an Improved Building, the Roman Town Center has a special technology or other attribute that improves it a little (such as the Greek Guard Tower, Egyptian Armory, Persian Storehouse, Celtic House, Babylonian clay Wall, and Norse Fortress.

Age 1 Roman Town Center

In designing the Town Center, we had concept art for all four Ages. However, when translating them into 3D models, something about them felt a bit awkward. Specifically, the way that the square building is oriented forces the building itself to be smaller than most other town centers. We looked closely at the Babylon Town Center, which has the same orientation, though has thick walls stretching to the corners of the footprint. And since we want the Romans’ TC to have the same footprint, it created a lot of open space.
We chose to remove the curtain and make some other aesthetic changes. As the very first building players see at the beginning of a match, it was very important to us to make sure it fits in well with other Town Centers and gives players a good "Roman" impression.

The Bronze Age Town Center model was first shown in through the Project Celeste forum post Weekly Blog #5: Age II Town Center, Scout, Watch Post on June 22nd, 2019.


Age 2 Roman TC

the Town Centers' colors change slightly depending on which age you are in. In the case of Age II, the Bronze Age, you can see that the column tops (and the eagle on the rooftop) change their color from Copper (Age I being the Copper Age) to Bronze. You can expect the same pattern in the Age III (Silver Age) and Age IV (Golden Age) TCs!

The Silver Age Town Center model was first revealed in Weekly Blog #13: Villagers, Age III TC, Pontifex 3D forum post on August 31st, 2019. Also it was announced that the Roman TC, as an improved building, would be able to produce Engineer (Unit) another unit.


Age 3 Roman Model in-game.

A few weeks ago, we announced that the Roman Town Center will be an Improved Building, which is an otherwise standard Common Building that contains a special technology or other attribute that improves it in a small but decisive way.
Therefore, starting in Age 2, the Roman Town Center will be more than just a Villager factory. It will produce a second unit. We are super excited about this and can’t wait to share these details soon enough.

Golden Age Roman Town Center

The Final Roman TC model was revealed in the Weekly Blog #21: Eques, Age IV Town Center, Age III Walls on November 16th, 2019.

In all, our four TCs went through countless design changes over the months. They were some of the first buildings to break ground and still seem to always get tweaked a little every few weeks. Compared to the concept art, you can see our guys bulked it up and added a second level. We love this design and think it perfectly captures the essence of the Romans.

All four Roman Town Center progression
