Age of Empires Online Wiki

Thracian is an enemy faction in the Celtic quest-line.


Bronze Age nomadic communities, related to the Cimmerians, who occupied parts of the Russian steppe north of the Black Sea during the later 2nd millennium bc. Well known for their horsemanship and the early use of wheeled vehicles, they were driven out of their traditional homelands by the Scythians in the 8th century bc, retreating through the Caucasus and then across to the Balkans, where they established themselves in the eastern part of the Balkan peninsula north of the areas of Greek settlement. By the 5th century bc Thracia encompassed the land which is now Bulgaria and Romania. In the 4th century bc the Thracian leader Seuthes established a capital at Seuthopilis, but by the 1st century ad Thracia had become a province of the Roman Empire.

List of Quests[]

