The Renegade Escapade is a Quest in Age of Empires Online, which belongs to the Cyprus Side Story Quests.
Quest Objectives[]
Defeat the renegades and kill the Renegade General.
Recommended Level: 32
- Town Center Destroyed: 0/1
- Renegade General Killed: 0/1
30,000 | 200 | 1 |
Quest Giver Quotes[]
“ Cyprus has many men who have no fear of the law. Those men make it very difficult for men like me to do their jobs. A simple trader is just a walking bag of gold out in the wilds!
A band of renegades have banded under a disgraced General, and they are robbing merchant caravans foolish enough to cross their path. If this continues, Kyrenia will have neither the gold nor the goods it needs to survive.
I will use my funds to supply you with whatever mercenaries I can find. Defeat the renegades! ”