Age of Empires Online Wiki
PaxDeorum Pax Deorum
Improves Pontifex.
  • +20% Conversion Rate
  • +15% Conversion Range
  • +15% Line of Sight
Research Costs: 1200 Gold
Research Time: 60s
Civilization(s): Roman

The Pax Deorum is a Roman technology which is researchable through the Templum Templum to benefit the Pontifex Pontifex.


The technology was first revealed in Weekly Blog #13: Villagers, Age III TC, Pontifex 3D forum post on August 31st, 2019. Although no clear information was given on how it will work.

The Templum is slated to contain one tech upgrade, Pax Deorum. Though usually translated into English as “peace,” Pax was a compact, bargain or agreement. In religious usage, the harmony or accord between the divine and human was the Pax Deorum (“the peace of the gods” or “divine peace”). The gods instilled Pax Deorum only in return for correct religious practice by the Romans. Religious error (vitium) and impiety led to divine disharmony and Ira Deorum (the anger of the gods).