Line of Sight is a term in Age of Empires Online that describes the maximum distance that a Unit or Buildings can "see" through the "Fog of War" or undiscovered terrain. There are various upgrades that allow a building or units to see further.
Milestones that affect Line of Sight[]
Lookouts | Overwatch | Town Patrol | Spotters | Reconnaisance |
Technologies that affect Line of Sight[]
Town Watch | Marksmanship | Improved Fletching | Divine Vision | Chariot Archer Champion (Babylonian) |
Sight of the Sun | Palintonon Champion | Slinger Champion (Egyptian) | Code of Hammurabi | Eye of Wodan | Balearic Slinger Champion |
Advisors that affect Line of Sight[]
Trajectory Specialist Timo | Darius |
General Heron | Good Sailor Ammon | Fort Lieutenant Xanthe |