Age of Empires Online Wiki

The Legendary Quests are a group of quests for Level 40 civilizations. They are much more challenging versions of select quests found within the game. As a result, their rewards are higher than those received for completing regular quests.

All Legendary Quests reward you Celeste Legendary Chests. You get better loot if you do more starred (difficult) quests.

Tip: Better loot and drop rates of good chests are at 4 and 5 starred quests. The only Legendary that still rewards Classic Legendary Chests is Recapturing Marion.

AOEO Item Types per Chest

Reward Type per chest!! (click to enlarge)

List of Quests[]

(In order of release)

City Quest Stars Cooldown Max Gold Max Chests
Argos Breaking Bandits ★★ 12 hours 1,500 6
Argos I Know I'm Losing You ★★★ 12 hours 1,750 6
Argos Rescue Me ★★ 12 hours 1,500 6
Argos Impossible Cataclysm ★★★ 6 days 10,000 6
Cyprus The Renegade Escapade Grand Finale 12 hours 1,500 4
Cyprus Tamiat Triple Time! ★★ 12 hours 1,500 6
Cyprus Recapturing Paphos ★★ 12 hours 1,500 6
Cyprus Recapturing Soloi ★★★ 12 hours 1,750 6
Cyprus Recapturing Marion ★★ 6 days 15,000 12


Crete The Elite Meet in Crete Special 6 days 15,000 12
Northern Hold City Conquest: Sens Special 12 hours 2,300 6
Northern Hold City Conquest: Sparta Special 12 hours 3,500 8
Northern Hold City Conquest: Argos Special 12 hours 3,500 8
Northern Hold City Conquest: Crete Special 12 hours 3,500 8
Northern Hold Beorix Returns ★★★★ 6 days 15,000 10
Athens The End of the Traitors ★★★★ 6 days 15,000 10
Athens A New Rebellion? ★★★★ 6 days 15,000 10
Athens Recapturing Mileto ★★ 6 days 5,000 7
Athens Recapturing Myus ★★★ 3 days 6,000 9
Athens Recapturing Efeso ★★ 3 days 3,000 9
Athens Recapturing Sardes ★★★ 6 days 12,000 10
Babylon More Mad Medians in Mesopotamia! ★★ 3 days 3,500 11
Babylon Trouble at the Tigris ★★★ 3 days 7,000 11
Babylon Euphrates in Disorder ★★★ 3 days 7,000 11
Babylon Susa in Strife ★★★ 3 days 5,000 7
Tarsos Holy Man ★★ 3 days 3,500 11
Tarsos Battle of Thymbra ★★★ 6 days 10,000 8
Tarsos Battle of Opis ★★ 6 days 6,000 9
Tarsos I Don't Need Your Civil War ★★ 3 days 2,500 7
Tarsos You Could be Mine ★★ 3 days 2,500 7
Tarsos Don't Cry ★★★★ 3 days 12,000 11
Well of Urd Recapturing Alfheim ★★★ 6 days 12,000 10
Well of Urd Recapturing Muspelheim ★★★ 3 days 6,000 9
Well of Urd Recapturing Helheim ★★★ 3 days 6,000 9
Well of Urd Recapturing Niflheim ★★ 3 days 3,000 9
Well of Urd Recapturing Svartalfheim ★★ 3 days 3,500 11
Well of Urd Recapturing Asgard ★★★ 6 days 12,000 10
Rhakotis Liberating Fayum Oasis ★★★ 3 days 6,000 9
Rhakotis Liberating Memphis ★★ 12 hours 1,500 6
Rhakotis Liberating the Lower Nile ★★ 12 hours 1,500 6
Rhakotis Liberating the Village of Sais ★★ 12 hours 1,500 6
Rhakotis Liberating Giza ★★★ 3 days 6,000 9
Rhakotis Liberating Thebes ★★★ 3 days 6,000 9
Rhakotis Liberating Dahshur ★★★ 6 days 12,000 10
Rhakotis The Valley of the Kings ★★★★★ 6 days 15,000 13
Lodi Invasion of Cremona 12 hours 2,000 5
Lodi Invasion of Nikaia 12 hours 1,500 4
Lodi Invasion of Ouikos ★★ 3 days 3,000 9
Lodi Invasion of Dunum ★★★ 6 days 12,000 10
Lodi Invasion of Verona ★★ 3 days 3,000 9
Lodi Brennos Attacks ★★★★★ 6 days 17,500 16
Lodi Invasion of Aegitna ★★★★ 6 days 15,000 10
City of Rome The Siege of Clusium ★★★★★ 6 days 17,500 16
City of Rome The Sea of Holes ★★★ 3 days 5,000 7
City of Rome Get Back! ★★★★ 3 days 8,000 7
City of Rome Fabii, You're a Rich Man ★★★ 3 days 7,000 11
City of Rome Come Together ★★ 12 hours 2,000 8
City of Rome Don't Let Me Down ★★★ 3 days 6,000 9
City of Rome Only a Northern Town ★★★ 3 days 6,000 9
City of Rome Battle of the Allia ★★★ 3 days 6,000 9
City of Rome Invasion of Rome ★★★★★ 6 days 15,000 13
Zabol Turanian Trouble ★★★★★ 6 days 15,000 13
Zabol Return the Favor ★★ 12 hours 1,500 6
Zabol Totally Turanian ★★ 12 hours 1,500 6
Zabol Just Deserts ★★★ 3 days 5,000 7
Zabol My Brother's Keeper ★★★★ 6 days 12,500 8
Zabol Join Forces ★★ 12 hours 1,500 6
Zabol Resistance in Sistan ★★★ 3 days 5,000 7
Athens Visiting Aegion ★★★ 3 days 6,000 9
Athens Visiting Therme ★★★ 3 days 5,000 7
Athens Visiting Megara ★★★ 6 days 14,000 12
Athens Visiting Corinth ★★ 3 days 2,500 7
Athens Visiting Lavrion ★★★ 3 days 5,000 7
Athens Visiting Calydon ★★ 3 days 3,000 9

Seasonal Legendary Quests[]
