Legendary: Invasion of Verona is a quest in Lodi, from The Adventures of Brennos and Comontorios Quest Pack.
This mission allows you to choose if you want to win by Conquest or collecting enough Stone.
Quest Objectives[]
The Oxubii are in the area. Protect our miners from these barbarians!
This is a ★★ two-star Legendary quest. These are slightly harder than one-star Legendary quests. You can find Legendary items in these quests. Co-op play is recommended (when possible).
- 16000 Stone collected by the Stone Miners: 0/100 (%)
- Enemies defeated
2000 | 5 | 30 |
Secondary Objectives[]
- Defeat Conran, the Oxubii Champion in time
500 | 2 |
- Save ALL Villagers going to the Quarry
500 | 2 |
Quest Giver Quotes[]
“ Oxubii raiders are harassing our people along the road to our mines near Verona. We believe the Helvetii have sent them. Protect our miners from these barbarians! ”
“ I am certain the Helvetii are behind this. Crush these Oxubii raiders to halt their pillaging. ”