Invasion of Ouikos is a quest in Lodi, which belongs to The Adventures of Brennos and Comontorios Quest Pack. It used to be a Co-Op only until the restriction removal.
Quest Objectives[]
Rescue Brennos and Comontorios and then defeat the Helvetii.
- Brennos and Comontorios must survive
- Town Centers destroyed: 0/4
- Fortresses destroyed: 0/4
- Defeat Divico, the Helvetii Champion
- Brennos at the destination
- Comontorios at the destination
220 | 2 | 4 |
Quest Giver Quotes[]
“ Hail and welcome to the village of Lodi, outpost of my people, the Senones. Before I can accept an alliance, I wish to see your prowess on the battlefield. We are at war with the barbaric Helvetii. My cousin Comontorios and I are launching an invasion to Ouikos, one of their central towns.
If we do not return, send help! ”
“ Send your army to my aid in Helvetii territory and prove yourself a trustworthy foreigner! ”