Age of Empires Online Wiki

Helen Has Been Taken! is a Quest in Age of Empires Online, which belongs to the Greek Main Campaign.

Quest Objectives[]

Bring Pine Planks to King Agamemnon.

  • Pine Planks Collected: 0/100



Quest Giver Quotes[]

King Agamemnon
The underhanded Trojans have taken my brother's faithful wife, Helen. For that, they will pay. I have called together the largest army of Greeks the world has ever seen. Their boots will walk atop the rubble of Troy.

I assume you, of course, wish to have your name prominent among those who form this historic force?

Good. We need a mighty fleet to carry this army across the Aegean. Bring me 100 Pine Planks so we may build ships and set sail for Troy.
King Agamemnon
Where are those Pine Planks?
King Agamemnon
Good work! At Troy, you will stand by my side and enjoy the fruits of victory.