Gods and Fountains Blueprints is one of the stores on Vanity Island. All items purchasable in this store are here for cosmetic purposes.
Items available:
Item Name | Cost Coin |
Anubis Statue | 3000 |
Aphrodite Statue | 3000 |
Apollo Statue | 3000/4500 |
Archer Statue | 125 |
Ares Statue | 5000 |
Athena Statue | 3000 |
Atum Statue | 3000 |
Axeman Statue | 75 |
Babylonian Fountain | 3500 |
Camel Rider Statue | 75 |
Celtic Fountain | 3500 |
Centurion Statue | 300 |
Dionysus Statue | 3000 |
Farbjoðr Statue | 300 |
Hades Statue | 10000 |
Hathor Statue | 3000 |
Hera Statue | 3000 |
Hermes Statue | 3000 |
Hippikon Statue | 300 |
Hoplite Statue | 125 |
Hypaspist Statue | 40 |
Immortal Statue | 300 |
Isis Statue | 10000 |
Juno Statue | 7500 |
Jupiter Statue | 15000 |
Khepri Statue | 10000 |
Mars Statue | 7500 |
Mercury Statue | 7500 |
Mounted Warrior Statue | 300 |
Neptune Statue | 15000 |
Norse Fountain | 3500 |
Ornate Fountain | 2250 |
Peltast Statue | 125 |
Persian Fountain | 3500 |
Pharaoh Statue | 325 |
Poseidon Statue | 10000 |
Priest Statue | 150 |
Priestess Statue | 75 |
Ptah Statue | 5000 |
Ra Statue | 10000 |
Rectangular Fountain | 2750 |
Roman Fountain | 5000 |
Sapper Statue | 300 |
Sekhmet Statue | 300 |
Sitting Pharaoh Statue | 750 |
Slinger Statue | 75 |
Sobek Statue | 3000 |
Spearman Statue | 40 |
Square Fountain | 2250 |
Thoth Statue | 3000 |
Tiered Fountain | 1250 |
Venus Statue | 15000 |
Vulcan Statue | 4500 |
War Elephant Statue | 150 |
Woad Raider Statue | 300 |
Zeus Statue | 10000 |