Age of Empires Online Wiki

Empire Consumables are a type of Consumables that vary from the other consumeables since they are more powerful than others at the cost of being expensive in Age of Empires Online.


They can be used in quests to summon troops to fight on your side, reinforce your troops by granting them temporary bonuses, or even help your economy by spawning resources. Can be purchased with Empire Points in the Empire Store of each Capital City.

  • Note: They come in a bundle of 3 when purchased.

Class 1[]

Image Consumable Class Description Cost EmpirePoints
StrengthoftheEmpire Strength of the Empire 1 Increases targeted units' health and damage by 150% and movement speed by 75% for a period of time.
  • Duration: 1:30s
  • Cooldown: 2m
SubdualoftheEmpire Subdual of the Empire 1 Decreases targeted units' health and damage by 75% and movement speed by 75% for a period of time.
  • Duration: 1:30s
  • Cooldown: 2m
VisionoftheEmpire Vision of the Empire 1 Provides true line-of-sight in a specified area for a short period of time.
  • Duration: 30s
  • Cooldown: 1m

Class 2[]

They all have 1m of cooldown in exchange for 3 pieces of consumable

Image Consumable Class Description Cost EmpirePoints
MilitiaoftheEmpire Militia of the Empire 2 Summons 30 Mercenaries 200
LaboroftheEmpire Labor of the Empire 2 Summons 12 Villagers 175
ArmadaoftheEmpire Armada of the Empire 2 Summons 10 Mercenary Warships 175
BerserkerWolves Berserker Wolves 2 Summons 25 Berserker Wolves 100
PriestsoftheEmpire Priests of the Empire 2 Summons 7 Priests highly effective at conversion 200
CrocodileRampage Crocodile Rampage 2 Summons 12 Rampaging Crocodiles 150
SiegeoftheEmpire Siege of the Empire 2 Summons 4 Palintonons 225
WoodGatheringElephantsoftheEmpire Wood Gathering Elephants of the Empire 2 Summons 3 Wood-gathering Elephants 75
ScoutoftheEmpire Scout of the Empire 2 Summons a Scout -

Class 3[]

Of note, this is the only class 3 consumable in the entire game, effectively having it's own cooldown category.

Image Consumable Class Description Cost EmpirePoints
ResourcesoftheEmpire Resources of the Empire 3 Grants 5000 of each resource
  • Cooldown: 1m

Global Class[]

Unlike all other consumables, these give benefits to the entire account, instead of being bound to the specific civilization.

Image Consumable Class Description Cost EmpirePoints
WisdomoftheEmpire Wisdom of the Empire Global Increase Experience gained from quests by 50%.
  • Duration: 24h
RichesoftheEmpire Riches of the Empire Global Increase Coins gained from quests by 50%.
  • Duration: 24h

Removed Consumables[]

These Global Class consumables were formerly in the original game, but were never added into Project Celeste. Wisdom and Riches of the Empire were the only two reimplemented in the April 13, 2018 patch.[1] Because of this, they cannot be obtained.

Image Consumable Class Description Cost EmpirePoints
LuckoftheEmpire Luck of the Empire Global Increase the quality of items found in treasure chests.
  • Duration: 24h
WisdomoftheAlliance Wisdom of the Alliance Global Increase Alliance Points earned from quests by 25%. Must be in an alliance to use.
  • Duration: 48h
ProductionoftheEmpire Production of the Empire Global Increase workshop production rate for materials by 25%.
  • Duration: 72h
ProficiencyoftheEmpire Proficiency of the Empire Global Increase effectiveness of crafted items by 5%. Reduce crafted item's material cost by 10%.
  • Duration: 24h