Age of Empires Online Wiki

The Defense of Crete is a series of playable Quests when you visit Crete.

  • Note: 10-Wave, 20-Wave, and 30-Wave quests are being merged into one since they are redundant


  1. Cretins on the Coast!
  2. Rivals at the River!
  3. Mercenaries at the Mount!
  4. Invaders on the Island!
  5. Guerrillas at the Gorge!
  6. Plunderers on the Plateau!
  7. Criminals at Kedros!
  8. Bandits on the Bridge!
  9. Scallywags on the Seas!
  10. The Elite Meet in Crete

10-Wave Rewards Table[]

Difficulty XP XP Coin Coin Empire Points Empire Points Crete Chest Crete Chest Crete Points
Easy: 5-10 4,500 20 3 2 5
Medium: 10-20 7,000 40 3 2 5
Hard: 20-30 15,000 120 3 2 5
Challenge: 30-40 25,000 150 3 2 5
Impossible: 40+ 35,000 200 3 2 5

20-Wave Rewards Table[]

Difficulty XP XP Coin Coin Empire Points Empire Points Crete Chest Crete Chest Crete Points
Easy: 5-10 5,500 50 10 3 15
Medium: 10-20 12,000 200 10 3 15
Hard: 20-30 23,000 300 10 3 15
Challenge: 30-40 44,000 500 10 3 15
Impossible: 40+ 66,000 500 10 3 15

30-Wave Rewards Table[]

Difficulty XP XP Coin Coin Empire Points Empire Points Crete Chest Crete Chest Crete Points
Easy: 5-10 7,900 150 20 5 25
Medium: 10-20 21,000 300 20 5 25
Hard: 20-30 35,000 500 20 5 25
Challenge: 30-40 65,000 700 20 5 25
Impossible: 40+ 90,000 700 20 5 25