Age of Empires Online Wiki
"Are you looking for a consumable and can't find it? Try Empire Consumables"

Consumables are items that can only once be used - consumed - in quests only. They summon troops to fight on your side, reinforce your troops by granting them temporary bonuses, or even help your economy by spawning resources.

The major benefit of summoning troops via consumables is that they cost 0 population -- with their only limiting factor being the cool down time between consumption of consumables, and the cost of making/acquiring them.

How to obtain[]

You can get consumables in the following ways:

  • They may be received as a reward for completing a quest.
  • They can be found in Treasure chests.
  • They can be bought in stores.
  • They can be crafted in a Crafting Hall through Recipes.
  • They can be traded with other players.

List of Consumables: Units[]


These units departed from civilization working under rogue cultures, they can be deployed early for a head-start on quests.

They cost 0 population, freeing up your civ to spend that population elsewhere.

Items Class Age Description Common Uncommon Rare Epic
Bandit Archers 2 2 Summons 5 Bandit Archers Bandit Archer C Bandit Archer U Bandit Archer R Bandit Archer E
Bandit Cavalry 2 2 Summons 3 Bandit Cavalry Bandit Cavalry C Bandit Cavalry U Bandit Cavalry R Bandit Cavalry E
Bandit Spearmen 2 2 Summons 5 Bandit Spearmen Bandit Spearmen C Bandit Spearmen U Bandit Spearmen R Bandit Spearmen E
Bandit Tower 2 2 Builds a Bandit Tower in a target location Bandit Tower C Bandit Tower U Bandit Tower R Bandit Tower E
Rogue Priests 2 3 Summons 3 Pirate Fire Ships in a target location Rogue Priests Common Rogue Priests Uncommon Rogue Priests Rare Rogue Priests Epic
Pirate Fire Ship 2 3 Summons 3 Pirate Fire Ships in a target location Pirate Fireship C Pirate Fireship U Pirate Fireship R Pirate Fireship E
Bandit Fortress 2 3 Builds a Bandit Fortress in a target location Bandit Fortress C Bandit Fortress U Bandit Fortress R Bandit Fortress E
Renegade Siege Towers 2 3 Summons a Renegade Siege Tower near town center. Renegade Siege Towers Common Renegade Siege Towers Uncommon Renegade Siege Towers Rare Renegade Siege Towers Epic


These are people that works under currency. A payment is issued out and these mercenaries will arrive to your aid. Unlike bandit consumables, these cannot be deployed early but likewise deploy a more stronger army.

They cost 0 population, freeing up your civ to spend that population elsewhere.

Items Class Age Description Common Uncommon Rare Epic
Mercenary Archers 2 4 Summons 16 Mercenary Archers Mercenary Archers C Mercenary Archers U Mercenary Archers R Mercenary Archers E
Mercenary Hippikons 2 4 Summons 7 Mercenary Hippikons Mercenary Hippikons C Mercenary Hippikons U Mercenary Hippikons R Mercenary Hippikons E
Mercenary Phalanxes 2 4 Summons 12 Mercenary Phalanxes Mercenary Phalanxes C Mercenary Phalanxes U Mercenary Phalanxes R Mercenary Phalanxes E
Mercenary Gaesatae 2 3 Summons 12 Mercenary Gaesatae Mercenary Gaesatae C Mercenary Gaesatae U Mercenary Gaesatae R Mercenary Gaesatae E
Celtic Mercenaries 2 4 Summons 18 Celtic Mercenaries Celtic Mercenaries C Celtic Mercenaries U Celtic Mercenaries R Celtic Mercenaries E
Mercenary Headhunters 2 3 Summons 2 Mercenary Headhunters Mercenary Headhunters Common Mercenary Headhunters Uncommon Mercenary Headhunters Rare Mercenary Headhunters Epic
Mercenary Woad Raiders 2 3 Summons 8 Mercenary Woad Raiders Mercenary Woad Raiders C Mercenary Woad Raiders U Mercenary Woad Raiders R Mercenary Woad Raiders E

NPC Civilization soldiers[]

These are units of non-player civs that can fight for the player. These can be summoned via consumables and can be used by any civilization.

Some of these are craftable, some are not.

They cost 0 population, freeing up your civ to spend that population elsewhere.

Items Class Age Description Common Uncommon Rare Epic Craftable Purchasable
Nubian War Elephants 2 3 Summons 2 Nubian War Elephants Nubian War Elephants C Nubian War Elephants U Nubian War Elephants R Nubian War Elephants E No Yes
Nubian Archers 2 3 Summons 2 Nubian War Elephants Nubian Archers C Nubian Archers U Nubian Archers R Nubian Archers E No Yes
Mycenaean Bowmen 2 4 Summons Mycenaean Bowmen Mycenaean Bowemen C Mycenaean Bowemen U Mycenaean Bowemen R Mycenaean Bowemen E No No
Mycaenean Hoplites 2 4 Summons Mycaenean Hoplites Mycaenean Hoplites C Mycaenean Hoplites U Mycaenean Hoplites R Mycaenean Hoplites E No Yes

List of Consumables: Economy[]


These are special abilities that give powerful boosts to your civilizatoin's economy. They are of special importance on maps where normally the player is unable to generate some of these resources (ex. food) to build a proper base.

Items Plant Bush C Cattle C Gold Deposit C CommonStoneDeposit Grow Tree C
Name Planted Bush Cattle Rustler Discovery Mine Quarry Pit Grow Tree
Age 1 1 1 1 1
Cooldown 3m 5m 5m 5m 5m
Description Plants a Berry Bush of __ Food at a target location Summons __ Cows (200 food per) as a resouce Uncovers a Gold Deposit of __ Gold at a target location Uncovers a Stone Mine of __ Stone at a target location Plants a Great Tree of __ Wood at a target location
Common 400 2 400 400 400
Uncommon 600 3 600 600 600
Rare 800 4 800 800 800
Epic 1000 5 1000 1000 1000


While it's usefulness depends heavily on the situation for most civilizations, the Babylonian Civilization prizes these consumables far more than any other: Due to their lack of ability to build storehouses through any other means.

The rarity determines the cooldown

Item Name Age Class Common Uncommon


Storehouse Quick Storehouse 1 1 120s 60s 30s 10s


Creates a storehouse at target location


Ever wish you could see into an enemies base and drop a Bandit Fortress? Only to lament from needing line of sight to do so? That's where this consumable comes into play. Hidden Spy allows for an area to be revealed for a limited time, either giving your age 4 siege units the vision required to hit that target out of sight up a cliff, or allowing for a multitude of other things that cannot be performed into the fog of war.

Item Name Age Cooldown Class Common Uncommon Rare Epic
ConSpy1 ua Hidden Spy 1 3m 1 10s 13s 17s 20s


Provides true Line-of-sight in a specified area for a set time

List of Consumables: De/Buffs[]

While these may seem a waste to the casual player, expert players know how powerful a temporary boost can be in the heat of battle.

Given the frequency of these types of consumables in Chests, they can have a significant impact in turning the tide of a battle. Use them wisely, as deciding when to use them will mean the difference between a victorious encounter or a route, due to the power of these consumables.

Special Abilities[]

Name Class Description Common Uncommon Rare Epic
Battle Cry 1 Increases targeted unit's damage by 10/13/16/20% for a short period of time. Battle Cry C Battle Cry U Battle Cry R Battle Cry E
Combat Fatigue 1 Decreases targeted enemy units' movement speed by 20/27/33/40% for a short period of time Special Ability Combat Fatigue C Special Ability Combat Fatigue U Special Ability Combat Fatigue R Special Ability Combat Fatigue E
Warrior's Fortitude 1 Increases targeted units' health by 15/20/25/30% for a short period of time Special Ability Warrior's Fortitude C Special Ability Warrior's Fortitude U Special Ability Warrior's Fortitude R Special Ability Warrior's Fortitude E
Swiftness 1 Increases targeted units' health by 24/32/40/50% for a short period of time Special Ability Swiftness C Special Ability Swiftness U Special Ability Swiftness R Special Ability Swiftness E
Pillage 1 Increases targeted units' bonus damage against buildings by 30/40/50/60% for a short period of time PillageCommon PillageUncommon PillageRare PillageEpic
Weaken Enemy 1 Decreases targeted enemy units' damage by 15/30/45/60% for a short period of time Recipe- Special Ability- Weaken Enemy - Common Recipe- Special Ability- Weaken Enemy - Uncommon Recipe- Special Ability- Weaken Enemy - Rare Recipe- Special Ability- Weaken Enemy - Epic
Sustained Health 1 Increases targeted units' health by 10/15/20/25% for a longer period of time SustainedHealthCommon SustainedHealthUncommon SustainedHealthRare SustainedHealthEpic
Sustained Weakness 1 Decreases targeted enemy units' damage by 10/15/20/25% for a longer period of time SustainedWeaknessCommon SustainedWeaknessUncommon SustainedWeaknessRare SustainedWeaknessEpic
Elixir of Strength 1 Increases targeted units' damage by 20/30/40/50% for a short period of time ElixirOfStrengthCommon ElixirOfStrengthUncommon ElixirOfStrengthRare ElixirOfStrengthEpic
Elixir of Fortitude 1 Increases targeted units' health by 55/70/85/100% but decreases damage by 20/25/30/35% for a short period of time ElixirOfFortitudeCommon ElixirOfFortitudeUncommon ElixirOfFortitudeRare ElixirOfFortitudeEpic
Elixir of Power 1 Increases targeted units' damage by 20/25/30/35% but decreases movement speed by 10/13/16/20% for a short period of time ElixirOfPowerCommon ElixirOfPowerUncommon ElixirOfPowerRare ElixirOfPowerEpic
Elixir of Flight 1 Increases targeted units' movement speed by 36/48/60/72% but decreases health by 10/15/20/25% for a short period of time Special Ability Elixir of Flight Common Special Ability Elixir of Flight Uncommon Special Ability Elixir of Flight Rare Special Ability Elixir of Flight Epic
Elixir of the Gods 1 Increases targeted units' health, damage, and movement speed by 6/8/10/12% for a short period of time ElixirOfTheGodsCommon ElixirOfTheGodsUncommon ElixirOfTheGodsRare ElixirOfTheGodsEpic
Enfeebling Poison 1 Decreases targeted enemy units' health and damage by 15/20/25/30% for a short period of time EnfeeblingPoisonCommon EnfeeblingPoisonUncommon EnfeeblingPoisonRare EnfeeblingPoisonEpic

List of Consumables: Uniques[]

Heroic Aid[]

This consumable can be quite hard to come by for casual players, considering that after the initial 5 given to player civs upon creation in Project Celeste, there are only 2 ways to acquire them. The first is from the Empire Store, from the Summer Grab Bag and Celebration Grab Bag, which both yield another 5 per civilization for 600 EP, each (along with other goodies), but both of them can only be purchased once. The second is to purchase them for Winter Points, during the Winter Event, from the Winter Store. They were originally a bonus for buying the premium version of a civilization.

Image Consumable Age Class Cooldown Description Units
Heroic Aid Heroic Aid 1 2 5m Summons 30 Mercenaries 3 pieces for

300 Winter Points Winter Points — Epic


These are generally used as a means of replacing a scout lost to combat. hence the very low cost per consumable.

Item Name Age Cooldown Description Source Cost
ReconMan Icon Recon Man 2 3m Summons 1 (Civilization) Scout to add to your ranks General
60 Coin Coin

Class explanation[]

There are 4 classes of consumables in Age of Empires Online.

The first class is used primarily for non-combat bonuses. The second class is used primarily for unit spawning or other combat related bonuses. The third class is used exclusively for adding resources directly to a player during a game. The final class is called the "Global" class, as it has affects that effect your entire account.

  • 1 = Non combat
  • 2 = Units or combat
  • Class 3 = direct resource injection
  • Global Class = Account wide benefits

[Use example]

Class1 was used.
In order to use Class1 more, it waits for cooldown.
But, it does not wait in order to use Class2.

[Background color]

Common=White  Uncommon=Green  Rare=Blue  Epic=Purple

[Class2 Rare value]

fundamental changes are health and damage only.
almost rough value.
Veteran×1.15  Master×1.30  Champion×1.50

sort [acquisition>age>cooldown>+-]
