Age of Empires Online Wiki

City Under Siege is a quest in Age of Empires Online, which belongs to the Roman Campaign.

Quest Objectives[]

Use Engineers and Scorpios to defend against the invading Volsci.
SandClock 15:00

  • Triumphal Column Must Survive
  • Fortress at Marker 1
  • Fortress at Marker 2
  • Fortress at Marker 3
  • Gold Gathered 0/10000


Choose one of
  • Special Ability: Grow Tree
  • Special Ability: Cattle Rustler

Quest Giver Quotes[]

Senator Octavius
War is the business of barbarians and not of Senators. But those lawless Volsci beg us to provide them with a bit of Senatorial authority. The Senate has resolved to put an end to the Volsci threat, but first we must secure our foothold against their raiders. We have dispatched a certain number of Engineers to support the effort. They will swiftly repair Siege engines as well as serve as effective at dismantling any enemy Siege Units, as well.
Senator Octavius
Necessity makes even the timid brave.
Senator Octavius
The Senate and People of Rome applaud your loyalty and leadership. Remember, laws are silent in times of war. Do what you must. We Senators will handle the rest.