Age of Empires Online Wiki

Banner - a type of gear usable exclusively by Roman Aquilifer Aquilifers and Primus Pilus Primus Pilus.


  • Found mostly from random drop chests.
  • Can be purchased from different stores in Capua.

List of Banners[]

Items available (in order of appearance)

  1. Pine Banner
  2. Bronze Battle Flag
  3. Cedar War Banner
  4. Iron Battle Standard
  5. Artisan Bronze Banner
  6. Superior War Flag
  7. Peerless Battle Standard
  8. Tattered War Flag
  9. Legion's Remarkable Standard
  10. Centurion's Remarkable Banner
  11. Blessed War Flag
  12. Artificer's Silver War Flag
  13. Banner of the Two Bulls
  14. Banner of the Thunderbolt
  15. Marker of Marcus
  16. Banner of the Boar
  17. Imperial Standard of the East
  18. Banner of the Minotaur
  19. Pluto's Blessed Banner
  20. Lucius' Battle Standard
  21. Banner of the Fallen Soldier
  22. Cincinnatus' Banner of Bravery
  23. Camillus' War Banner of Glory
  24. War Banner of the Long Night
  25. Hadrian's Adorned Standard
  26. Trajan's Banner of the Horse
  27. Swift Banner of Spartacus
  28. The Eagle Bearer's Standard
  29. The Golden Eagle
  30. Horatius' Banner of Courage
  31. Jupiter's War Banner of Divine Strength
  32. Standard of Spurius Maelius
  33. Caesar's Banner of the Lion
  34. Pompey's Banner of the Eagle


The Banners were the first revealed as a gear addition exclusive to the Aquilifer Weekly Blog #27: Aquilifer, Banners, Age III Analysis on January 18th, 2020.


Banner concept art.

Since there is nothing like a Banner in the game, we seized the opportunity to create a new gear class. We had originally thought to call them Standards, but found Banners to be more fitting (such as in the term “fighting under the banner of Rome”). We also would like to leave open the possibility of other civs one day using this gear slot, so we are hesitant to make the name too civ specific.
We are thinking maybe 20 different Banners at launch (perhaps two Legendary versions). We see little purpose in killing ourselves with tons of low level uncommon and rare versions that you will all inevitably phase out once you hit Level 40. We expect some Banners to be droppable, others to be for sale in Rome, and a few craftable at the Infantry School. We‘ll have some fun.
